Championing Arts Development
2nd Floor, Education Services Centre, Upper East Street, Mt Pleasant, Harare
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 16:30
16 Dec 2019

Piracy to attract heavy fines

THE Government has proposed that fines in respect of copyright infringement should be charged per each CD or product pirated just as in stocktheft cases as a means to deter would-be offenders and to protect the works of artistes in the country.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Mrs Virginia Mabhiza said this following the President Mnangagwa’s interface with artistes from Bulawayo recently where they aired out their  concerns including lack of seriousness by the authorities in dealing with the scourge of piracy.

Mrs Mabhiza said it was important to protect the works of local artistes who were eking out a living out of sales of their music and film. She said her ministry was aware of its role in protecting intellectual property rights.

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27 Nov 2019

NAMA Entries Deadline Extended

As we enter the last week of the submissions of NAMA entries for the 19th edition ,we wish to remind artists that NAMA entry forms will be received Monday the 2nd of December 2019 to compensate for the deadline of 30th November 2019 which falls on a Saturday, a none working day.

27 Nov 2019

Bindura school wins Jikinya dance competition

Chipindura Primary School from Bindura District in Mashonaland Central emerged winners of the Jikinya Dance Festival during a two-day competition that ended at Masvingo Polytechnic yesterday.

The school which was a marvel to watch on the dance floor won the competition last year and once again, beat nine others with their Mbende Jerusalema traditional dance. To show their greatness, Chipindura went on to win a choral competition which was held yesterday.   

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12 Nov 2019

Nama rebrands premier awards events

THE National Arts Council of Zimbabwe has re-branded its premier awards event — the National Arts Merit Awards (Nama) — following the change in management, NewsDay Life & Style has learnt.This year’s edition will run under the theme Taking it Back to the People.The re-branding came in the wake of the appointment of a new management led by radio and television personality Napoleon Nyanhi

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08 Oct 2019

Masvingo group bags Chibuku Road to Fame title

Masvingo Afro-Fusion band, Identity are this year’s winners of the Chibuku Road to Fame music competition.

The eight-member group which was formed in 2016 shrugged off competition from nine others at the Glamis Stadium in Harare on Saturday and received a recording contract and $20 000 prize money.

On second position was afro-fusion band Jesa from Harare with Matabeleland South’s Dengedza Express coming third. For their efforts, Jesa is set to receive $15 000 and $10 000 for Dengedza Express. in 2017, Identity whose music is about love and the way people live, made top three at provincial level. They improved their act last year and were second. This year, they meant business as they clinched the top spot at provincial level and went on to shine at the national finals, putting Masvingo on the map.

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03 Oct 2019

Groups gear for Chibuku Road to Fame finals

The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe in partnership with Chibuku the joint organisers of the Chibuku Road to Fame cordially invites you this Saturday the 5th of October 2019 to the National Finals at the Glamis Arena, Harare.


The Road to Fame show is the National Arts Council quest in Talent identification and promotion within the music sector in Zimbabwe. The intention being to issue quality music productions and sustainable income generation for the groups there after.


                                                                  click for more information

04 Mar 2019

Dorothy Masuku buried

The Zimbabwean delegation which was led by National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) director Nicholas Moyo and Bulawayo-based poet and musician, Albert Nyathi attended Masuku’s final parade before burial at the University of Johannesburg’s Soweto campus.

                                                                                                   click on the below link 

03 Dec 2018

Jikinya Dance Festival 2018 Winners

This year’s Jikinya Dance Festival was held in Beitbridge on 22 November at Wellton Primary School. Schools showcased sterling performances that were a clear indication that schools are investing in promoting Zimbabwean dances as well as working towards ensuring that varied cultures are appreciated and safeguarded. The results were as follows:

1.Chipindura Primary School(Mashonaland Central), Floating Trophy, monetary prize and Medals for each of the participating children and their teachers.

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20 Aug 2018


Tinashe Tafirenyika-Poet

Tinashe Tafirenyika is a Zimbabwean poet and winner of the National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) 2018 for Outstanding Poet in Spoken Word. Tafirenyika is a medical practitioner at Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo. She was the “Luckiest Poet” five times in a row a feat that saw her performing at the Shoko Slam in September 2013.

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